Fertility Tests For Women: Should I Get One?

Are you considering fertility tests for women? Are you trying for a pregnancy and feeling frustrated when your at-home pregnancy test shows the dreaded negative result? Are you not quite, but nearly there and wondering what the deal with fertility is in the first place? We’re here to give you all the information you need.

In general, it’s suggested that you pursue fertility testing if you’re over 35 years old and have been trying to get pregnant for six months or if you’re under 35 and have been trying to get pregnant for a year. In other words, if you’ve “pulled the goalie” and have been having unprotected sex with no results, there’s no harm in getting checked out.

However, there are other situations where fertility testing can be an immensely helpful tool! You may also want to have your fertility tested if:

You are over 30 years old and eventually want a child, but not immediately.

One of the most general factors that play a role in fertility is age. While many women these days are choosing to have children later, biology is undeniable. Your ovarian reserves deplete over time, and therefore decrease your odds of conceiving. According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “by age 40 years, a woman’s chance of getting pregnant drops to less than 10% per menstrual cycle.”

So, have you reached your thirties and are planning for the future? Fertility tests for women will give you insight into what to expect later. If there are steps you should take now, you’ll learn about them, too. This way, when you are ready to try for pregnancy, you’ll be better prepared.

You have a family history of infertility/fertility struggles.

They say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. In this case, genetics also play a role in your ease and/or ability to conceive. If you plan on having kids, talk to your family about their experiences with fertility. If the general consensus is that making babies wasn’t so hard, then great! But, if people report having some struggles, then an examination of your fertility levels might be appropriate.

You are under 30, but your mother went through menopause early.

To add onto the prior point, it’s important to look at what your mama gave you. As the most genetically close woman in your life (with a few possible exceptions), any patterns or fertility-related changes in her life could be predictive of yours. Menopause, which is the end of a woman’s reproductive cycle, is something that generally happens in your forties or fifties. The key word here is “generally,” though. If your mother went through menopause in her thirties, fertility tests for women might be right for you.

Your have a history of irregular periods, thyroid problems, PID, etc.

We know full-well that a number of factors are involved in creating the perfect storm for making a baby, and a lot of them have to do with the body they will be growing in. Take a look at your own medical history. Irregular periods, hormonal imbalances, STDs, abdominal/pelvic trauma, miscarriages, and some diseases that may indicate potential trouble with fertility. If any of these things are true about you, it is important to not panic. Many issues can be resolved or improved upon with proper guidance from a medical professional.

You are a smoker, and don’t plan on quitting.

Research shows that tobacco use can affect reproductive ability in both men and women. How severe the impact is correlates with how much a person smokes. Chemical compounds in cigarettes can be linked to accelerated oocyte (egg) death and reserve depletion. As such, research has shown that smokers can experience the effects of menopause earlier than their non-smoking peers. The good news here is that fertility can be improved after an individual decides to kick their habit. But, if you decide to continue smoking, you may want to consider fertility tests for women.

If you are experiencing trouble with fertility, we at Capital Women’s Care Ashburn are here to help. Feel free to contact us and book an appointment for an infertility evaluation. We will go through your history and habits to figure out just what your bump in the road is, and help get you on the right track to a successful pregnancy.

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